Wednesday, May 5, 2010
~Friendship~ Petcha Kutcha
"A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway!"
"Friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they are there!"
"When you look at your true friends you will uncover who you are. You will see a reflection of yourself and become educated in the pathway you follow. You will see your world before you and you will see with any boubts the truth of your way. You see friends are simply yourself in a disguise!"
"In a friend, You find a second self"
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Orientation in Second Life
"second life" is an online program where people can create an avitar and learn how to navigate the program through the program itself.
This video was really hard to watch, it's really boring and really hard to understand! Even after watching this video i'm not positive what "second life" is or what the point is. I have things to do, a full time job and I'm a full time student I do not have time to sit down and create avitar and go through and searh how to use this program!
If I had the time I think I would love and really enjoy creating an avitar and playing around with this program and I KNOW that students would love to be able to do things like this, But it would take lots of time and work to teach the students how to us the program, and I Think there are more important things to be taught in school, such as reading, writing, math skills, thing s that would be the students think a little more. Not just sit in front of the computer trying to learn what is going on with this program.
My very own screencast!
Check out my screencast!
This was really difficult for me because I'm long winded and i kept running out of time and having to re-do the screencast! AND I'm not really that good at working this tool myself so trying to teach someone else and be on a time limit was really hard for me!
But iin using this in the classroom, the students would be able to something the created on a website and then post it on our class blog and show everyone what they have dreated on the web. I would deffinately need to play with sreenr a little more before I tryed to have my students do one of these!! :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Love the Kinder Kids Blog!
They are using Voki, to participate in Voice Around the World, created by Sharon Tonner from Dundee,Scotland! The kids are using their own voice to communicate with people around the world listening t the different landuages and dialects! Here listen to their Voki!
They are also learning how to make patterns! Each student came up with their own pattern and then they got a partener and their partener video taped them telling about their patterns and then they swithched so everyone got to show their creative patterns! Want to see what they came up with?
My Survey on Google Doc. :)
Please take MY survey, to tell me YOUR favorite holiday!!
Others took thiz survey! Find out what their favorite hoilday is!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Digital Youth Portrait: Sam
Sam is only 13 years old and she can do amazing things with a computer and video camera! more than i cold ever eve think about doing! She goes into a college classroom and helps college students learn how t make digital people and worlds for one of their classes!!
The thing that amazed me the most about Sam, was that she taught herself how to play the piano by going on line and finding a digital piano that sowed the notes while playing a song and she would wirte down the notes and go practice the song until she got it perfect. She looks like an amazign piano player, I have no idea how she learn to play like that by herself!
Sam has a ton of extra time to spend on the computer, figuring out and working with different computer programs, if everyone has tht much extra time to sit and play on the computer we would all be as computer savy as Sam!! But I'm ot 13 anymore I go to school and work, ahhh being a grown up!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
What I thought about people in my class's blogs!!
Beth taught us the correct way to shoot a soccer ball in her voice thread! It was fun and creative! I told her how I've played soccer all my life and have never really broken down how to shoot the ball!! I loved It!!
Collaboration–Leveraging the Wiki Platform
Wiki also allow students to become more engaged and excited about the work they are doing in and outside of the classroom. Helping students become involved, for example how the students used wiki to create flyers for the car wash they were putting together to raise money for their school, each student wanted to be involved and help in any way they could.
Paula White used a quote that I really liked "educators often think that school is the point, when it needs to be the path, so what path are you taking your students down when using wiki in classroom?" Paths to self collaboration? Path to self directed learning? path to putting traditional school tasks online helping them learn how to create wiki and how to use them.
Wiki would be a great way to get students engaged, I might say that it might also get really frustrating for some students, but I think that with the knowledge that students have about computers these days and with the right direction wiki will really make students want to do better and be more excited about the work they are doing because they get to post and write about it on their own wiki or the class wiki!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
My Favorite book "Dear John"!!
It would be a great way for kids to be able to show their own work, by posting pictures, writing a script and recording it, for family and friends to see! My teacher kept saying this to us in the past few class periods and I just thought it was a silly project!! But i had a lot of fun with it and I think kids would just absolutely love it!!

To hear my voice, just click on my picture next to the voicethread, when the comment is over click the arrow in the bottom right hand corner to go to the next picture, my voice should continue to play automatically, if not just click my picture again.!!
" The Wizard of apps"
Learning about digital footprints, and the right places to go on the internet is important as a teacher so you don't have students stumbling onto websites that you don't want them to. Using such as flickrStorm to get pictures from instead of google image, because you can't do an advanced search and find copy righted pictures without all the extra unrealated pictures google throws in there.
After watching this video the main thing I saw that I really wanted to check out was the facebook privacy video, that shows how to change privacy settings so that everyong can't see your facebook and everything on it. I knew there were ways to set up the privacy settings on facebook, but I had no idea how. The video was very helpful and easy to follow, I learned how to chang my settings so tha not just anyone can see me facebook page! That makes me feel so much better!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I even got an e-mail from the teacher saying that the students were wanting to know all about me and how I found their blog!! It was a lot of fun hearing from them, I am now awaiting an e-mail in return!!
Last week was Valentine's Day and they had what looks like an awesome party where they exchanged cards and candy! The teacher posted some pictures of their FUN PARTY!!
They also learned how ground hogs and how ground hogs look at their shaddows to see how ,uch more winter is to come! They wished us all a HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Digiteens is a group of students who researched and find things on the internet and make videos and raise awareness about. One of the videos they made i thought was really good was about "DWT" Driving While Texting. It gave some statistics about driving while texting and even compared it to driving under the influence. It was vry informative and got it's point across effectively.
If there was a group like this at every school not only would students be learning about technology and how to use it to make video and find information, they are making a difference and showing they care enough to make a video for everyone to see!!
Project learning!
I love the idea of project based learning because it give the students choices and helps them feel like they're in control. While the students love being in control they are also going to be more interested in what is being taught/learned, they will be much more excited about listening and learning about the topic o their own choosing!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Blogging buddy!!
This day the kids were learning math using blocks, ad posted pictures of the different shapes that they made with the blocks!
One of the kids in the class house burned down and he need to get all new things! :(
All the kids in the class came together to help raise money for their friend, and they brought so much money that their teacher couldn't even count it herself that she had to take it into the bank to have it counted!! Yay for them, way to pull together to help your friend!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
independent learning project by students
(I didn't comment on the video becuaseI had to sign up on some website and I'm SO tired of getting emails from all these sites)
The ways Luis uses technology!
This video shows how a student named Luis, who is in the 12th grade uses technoloy not only for his own pleasure, but to help others and his commmunity.
I Loved watching how much he was helping young children to learn how to build and program robots to take to compititions. He was striving to help young kids to love technology as much as he did as well as teaching them how to work togther to make something amazing!
Friday, January 22, 2010
My links to comments have made on other blogs!
This blog post was interesting because we have the same goals for making students comfortable in classroom and to be a role model that they have never had.
I loved this blog because she is talking about the age where kids will say and do anything they hear! :)
This Is a blog I found that a kindergartin class called"kinder kids", that has student and teacher blogs. They have been blogging about snow lately, putting up pictures of their class playing in the snow.
The Kinder Kids also blogged the words that they came up that go along with snow!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Blog over: A Peek for a Week in a Kiwi Junior Classroom
I'm am so impressed with this video, not only that the teachers know this much about all the different technology, but that the students are able to use it as well and as freely as the teacher. Though i am very impressed at what I saw in this video, anyone will be hard pressed to find technology of that sort in any public school in oklahoma. I would absolutely love to be able to use smart boards in my classroom someday, but i know that at the shcool i went to there was one smart board in the enitre school system all the way k through 12 and it was in the high school and i never got to use it, i saw it once though. :) now in college they have one in every room in the education building. It's sad to say that things of that expense will probably never be something that you see in every room in a pubic school setting.
Blog about: Digital Generation Project Youth Portrait: Nafiza
Wow Nafiza seems really smart and looks like she could teach me a thing or two about computers and all the different software out there. But honestly I do not love technology like she does, i have cell phone only becuase i need it for work and all it does is text and call, I can't get on the internet or store music on it. I have a computer only to write papers for school. I don't have cable tv, an ipod or anything like that and I'm just fine with that!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Intro: All about me!! :)
My Love my family and spend as much time with them as I can!
I am an early childhood education major, I love kids. I want to graduate and get my teacher certification, become a kindergarten or first grade teacher, then return to school to get my masters in special education.
Both my parents are teachers, Since i can remember i have always wanted to be a teacher. I am one of the few college students who have come to college and not change my major through out school! I really think I'll be a good teacher, I'm excited to se what the future will bring me! :)
Reflection of cameron's video
I've never been good at the whole computer thing and it's amazed me how much an 11 year old can do with a computer. It kind of make me feel like i don't know anything about computers.
I want to be a teacher and when i saw that video for the math concept, it open my eyes to how many ways you can teach a different concept.